Founded in 2018 by Denise Hoeflich and Ted James, Compass Theatre was created with the goal to optimize professional performance and leadership opportunities for the diverse array of array of artists in Chicago.
By remaining non-ensemble based, Compass Theatre maximizes casting opportunities for Chicago based actors to work in a Professional Equity Setting.
Compass Theatre aims to launch or further careers in artistic leadership for the diverse community of artists in Chicago. We accomplish this by offering artistic leadership positions at Compass with designated term limits. Those who serve as artistic leaders at Compass gain invaluable collaborative working skills including season planning, fiscal responsibility and working with a Board of Directors at a Professional Equity Theatre. Those persons then take these skills and experiences and expand their careers, perhaps opening doors that were previously closed.
We are committed to only performing in smaller venues. This allows us to focus on its goal to optimize opportunities for others rather than growing for its own namesake.
Compass Theatre is committed to the standards and practices of Not In Our House. Learn more by visiting their website.
​Our Mission
To discover the understanding and compassion for others through challenging contemporary storytelling and open discussions.
​Our Vision
Fundamental to human connection is the ability to see, hear, understand and empathize with experiences different than our own. There is no better medium for that than live theatre. We invite the modern audience to lean in, ask questions, and share emotions, experiences and insights.
Compass Theatre is committed to the standards and practices of Not In Our House. Learn more by visiting their website.
Compass Theatre is a non-profit 501c3 organization . All donations are tax exempt to the extent of the law.